Saturday, January 23, 2016

Stream of Consiousness

Thief and the dogs is a novel grounded in a category known as realistic fiction, therefore when the stream of consciousness tool is applied it is easy to recognize and relate with the character and context. Stream of Consciousness is a tool used by writers to express a character's unfiltered train of thought. It helps establish an intimate connection between thee reader and character, as the reader is enabled to see the emotions and innermost desires of the character. The tool can be used in many ways but depending on the register/usage it can have a negative impact or a positive one.

When understanding the positives it would be the ability to connect with the character on an emotional level.  Mahfouz applies this technique in the novel Thief and the dogs to reveal Said (the main character's) innermost thoughts and emotions. In contrast the tool can also be used in a sense where it results in a decay of plot and character as it presents the reader with either gibberish (incoherent language) due to the random thought process or a 2-dimensional plot where too much is revealed where the character becomes too engrossed in his own mind that the perception and overall outlook of the characters is differed. Keeping that in mind it is important to see how the tool is used in the novel itself.

As the reader experiences the events which occur in the novel they are able to understand the reason of the events through the characterization of Said. Stream of consciousness is used to show Said's thirst for revenge after his release from prison. It is developed as his thoughts express his hatred for his wife and longing to be reunited with his daughter. Mahfouz uses italics as a way of communicating his thoughts in order to help the reader differentiate from mind and speech. The use of italics in a sense increases the impact the stream of consciousness tool has as it further gives the reader to escape into the character's reality. Considering that italics give a large impactful meaning in the English translation it is important to understand that they do not exist in the arabic (written) version of the novel. Considering the novel was written in Arabic and then translated to English it is a possibility to understand the tool is not effective in the register of another language where it would not have a beneficial impact on the reader.

Additionally the tool stream of consciousness helps differentiate between the narration types with italics being used to switch between the different types of internal monologues (direct and indirect).  Going further into this, it is seen in the novel that direct narration is italicized to symbolize a direct thought. Examples of this are seen at the beginning of the novel, his release from jail and the thoughts expressed of his hatred and thirst for revenge are seen as direct narration. The tone presented is almost blind-sided anger to the extent where the character's mind is engulfed in his own idea of what is correct. There is a shift in narration after Said’s daughter rejects him as now a new feeling is introduced. Considering the narration is now fixated on sadness, despair and in a sense anger as well due to interactions with another character it is now seen as indirect narration. This change in narration with the tool of stream of consciousness further helps with understanding the progression of the plot.

Personally I feel Mahfouz overall implicated the tool of stream of consciousness effectively. Looking at the examples from class where one portrayed incoherent language through uncensored thought and the other portrayed a further depth and understanding of the character, I feel Said’s shift in narration with the tool not only communicated his feelings but also gave understanding of the events which followed his emotional response.

1 comment:

  1. This is very unique. A great blogpost! You addressed something that I believe to be very significant:

    How the tool, stream of consciousness, is used is a very important to take note of. You mentioned that this tool can be used in a sense where it results in a decay of plot and character. Which is true considering how challenging it may be for stream of consciousness novelists to reveal specific parts of the MC's past and have it effectively contribute at that moment during the plot.
