Sunday, November 15, 2015

Proposal Form WT2

Outline Form – Written Task 2
IB Language & Literature HL

What is your name?
Devyani Pejathaya
What part of the course does your analysis fall under?
Part 3: Media Bias
What topic is the focus of this task?
Media Bias

What is the title of the text you are using as the basis of your analysis?

5 Little Words from Hillary’s Benghazi Email That Four American Servicemen Never Had a Chance to Say


Highlight the question you are answering.
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way
Thesis statement

Through the use of literary devices, stylistic features and propaganda techniques Kyle Becker a republican supporter aims to highlight and resurface the “Bengazi Crisis” in order to portray and represent the democratic party specifically presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a “un-suitable president” for the United States of America
Key point 1
Looking at the republican view point- examining how they present the democratic political group.
How its presented- through the news channel – highlighting that the article is derived from a Republican broadcasting network (Independent Journal)

Key point 2
Understanding the why –
Examining the ideologies of both groups to see where they “clash”
Highlighting why this viewpoint has resurfaced because the event initially occurred in 2013
Why this political group is represented in this way:
 (Intention – To bring down Hillary Clinton’s Political Campaign)

Key point 3
Use of literary devices:
-          Stylistic Features
-          Propoganda Techniques
Cohesion of the how and why
Key point 4 (optional)

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